An IP address is basically a unique identifier that is used to differentiate different user’s systems. A VPN service or a Virtual Private Network service actually provides the users with masked IP addresses so that the users’ own IP can be hidden. Usually A VPN service is extremely popular in the countries or regions where Internet usage is either partially blocked or many web services and websites have restricted access. Sometimes people use VPN services to hide their own identity in the Internet. VPN services are also used in Wi-Fi hotspots or less secured network to protect the security of the users; systems. A VPN service is primarily of two types, a shared IP VPN system or a dedicated IP VPN system.
Shared IP Vs Dedicated IP VPN System:
A dedicate IP VPN dedicates a virtual unique ID for each individual user. This type of VPN service is useful for the people who have their internet communication ports blocked by either the ISPs, or the authority. Many countries in the world have strict internet firewalling to stop the citizen using many web services that the government think would create chaos in the country. Such countries include China, Iran and many other Middle Eastern countries. However, a dedicated IP VPN service can unblock all those web services and websites for the users.
On the other hand a VPN for shared IP system usually refers to a group of VPN accounts that have the same shared IP address. Usually this service is meant only for typical web browsing or emailing. If a user’s need is simply to get privacy and security while browsing, he or she would not even feel the difference between a shared and dedicated IP VPN service. A downside for that is the bad neighbor effect, which if someone sharing the same IP address is abusing the service such as Google or sending spam messages, you may get an IP blocked/banned error or you’ll get a CAPTCHA screen on your favorite websites. If you need to use a VPN service just to hide your identity in a public Wi-Fi hotspot and want to protect your system from unwanted attack, then Shared IP works for you.
Why Would You Need a Shared IP VPN
If you need to use a VPN just for some security purpose of Wi-Fi access security, then you would not probably want to spend a hell lot of money on getting a dedicated IP VPN service. To get a affordable service, a shared IP VPN is the best possible solution for you. Unlike the dedicated service, you will get a limited number of open port through this service and can connect to only a limited servers around the world. However, as you would need this service for limited use only, it should not be any big deal for you.
Best Shared IP VPN Service:
Many VPN service providers offer this service along with their typical dedicated IP VPN services. Usually the users have a couple of logins available to the VPN services all over the world. And these services are definitely cheaper than the dedicated ones. Yet there are so many companies offering this service in the net that it is difficult to find the best solution.
Here is a list of Top 5 VPN Providers to help you through the selection process.